
Lessons Whole30 Taught Me About Food

I am in the middle of my third Whole30, day 13 to be exact. Each time was a little different, but there are several lessons Whole30 has taught me throughout about food and it’s impact on my body. For those of you not familiar with Whole30, it is very similar to the Paleo diet. For those of you not familiar with Paleo, Whole30 limits you to whole foods consisting of meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, seeds, and some cookings oils, including olive and coconut oil. So it restricts grains (pasta, oatmeal, cereal, bread), dairy (cheese, yogurt, animal milk), legumes […]

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The Green Pigeon Logo

Finding Home

The tagline for this site is “Finding Home”. This project is about trying to cultivate self-awareness in myself, to connect with others, and perhaps help others develop their own self-awareness. So, much like a pigeon can home in on its place from hundreds of miles away, I would like to get back to where I truly belong.

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